Our Inspiration
Pets make us their priority, so how come we aren't doing the same?
We created the brand Alpha Animalia when we noticed a void between pet owners and pet businesses. The two main things that we noticed were the inadequacy of attention to dog hydration and a lack of brand transparency. Dehydration is a serious and life-threatening illness common among dogs that many people don't take seriously, except us. We decided to raise the concern and provide dog owners with the opportunity to hydrate their dogs using a dedicated water bottle for dogs, we call it the doggy flask.
Once we entered the world of pet social media, we couldn't find any reliable pages providing relevant tips for dog owners. So once again, we decided to do something about it! We already had been raising awareness for dehydration amongst dogs but began slightly shifting gears to educate dog owners with all of the information and more you would need to know about having a dog! We focus on health & training tips as we believe there aren't many sources. We put ourselves in your shoes of you, and developed a brand that we love using your expectations!
Pet owners spend too much time worrying and trying to keep up with their pet's needs that they aren't enjoying their time to the fullest. Time is one of the most valuable things, you can't buy it with anything and once it is gone, it's gone. We need to be able to live life to the fullest. This means limiting the worrying, stress, and annoyance of our surroundings and maximizing the time spent with our loved ones. Don't worry about trying to figure out all these little things. We are here to take that off your plate with our informative posts! And if we don't have a post on the topic you want to know about, request it! So start focusing on
building memories, not burdens.
Alpha Animalia